There are many draw-cards to the sunny shores of Shorncliffe. Real Estate websites and windows are full of wonderful imagery accompanying property descriptions that wax lyrical about all the benefits of the area. The beautiful outlooks, the delectable sea breezes, the easy lifestyle and the proximity to wonderful schools mean that many potential buyers are stepping out of their cars with hearts in their eyes.
But what about those dollar signs in their pockets? Are people who are looking at houses for sale in Shorncliffe unwittingly about to get themselves in stacks of trouble (and lose stacks of cash)?
What To Know About Houses For Sale in Shorncliffe
First, the facts.
The average property value in Shorncliffe continues to climb with the median sales price in the area sitting comfortably (for the time being) at $871,000. Red hot streets and precincts include Eagle Terrace, Shorncliffe Parade, Signal Row, Allpass Parade and Robinson Street. The high-value radius will continue to balloon out to include more and more neighbourhoods. The median sales value in the lowest pricing street sits at $690,607 which is still a significant spend.
How Much is Too Much to Spend?
If you’re not blessed with endless buckets of cash, you need to ensure that you’re investing your hard-earned dollars in a savvy and intelligent way.
Try to think with your head instead of your heart. This is a beautiful area with blue-chip potential and room to grow BUT if you’re not quite there financially, you could end up getting in over your head.
Here are some tips for choosing the right home in this exclusive area:
• Work with an ethical real estate agent who has your best interests at heart instead of their own commission
• Spend a lot of time looking over the property and working with a professional building and pest inspector to ensure that your investment is a wise one
• Look carefully at your budget, potentially investing in financial planning or consultation to see how it would all work
• Look for ways that you and your family can live in the home and the area – is it truly the best choice for you?
• Research the area and spend time in the wonderful suburb of Shorncliffe to really get a taste for a bayside lifestyle