Why My Interior Stylist Is Better Than Your Interior Decorator!

Why My Interior Stylist Is Better Than your Interior Decorator

I was asked by My Interior Stylist Mel from Stagency to write a blog about my experience and she would help edit it as she wanted to show  potential clients how the experience of working with an Interior Stylist really works – and why it works. So here goes.


The Interior Stylist vs Interior Designer Debate

You now the saying – “I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 darling” well you may pay that if you hire an Interior designer and that’s per a room in design fees with no furniture. Starting point. But to be fair they are highly qualified, have a university degree and are entitled to charge what ever they like. And before we get an argument going –  I highly respect Interior Designers because some of their skills are next level and ones that include cabinetry designs and bathrooms and kitchens that Stylists in general do not do. However, the price tag just doesn’t work for most people that don’t have a caviar and champagne budget like me. Saying “my interior stylist” is just as good as “my interior designer” did you know….

It really comes down to what you, your lifestyle and family need as to wether you need one or the other. I did the research made some phone calls, but a interior designer was just not within our budget and neither was Coco Republic furniture – where to from here! Google is your friend and so is Google reviews.

Interior Stylist kept coming up and Mel kept coming up in my search on page 1 and then the reviews and then her photos and so I made the call.


What My Interior Stylist Includes?

I paid for the first 2 hour consultation after the initial 20 minute phone call as I knew “She Knew” what I needed help with and it was well  worth every penny. While we did no design work we got to know each other the process and best of all she got to know us and all my “dream elements and ideas” for our home. Lots of measuring, talking, photos, videos, smiling, laughing and ideas.

After the consultation a full proposal of fees was submitted room by room and we accepted, making the decision to work room by room. It is all very straight forward and kept simple and time effective – Mel is there to do the hard yards, get her hands dirty when needed, you say “yes please” smile and pay she does the rest – all the things you hired her for in the first place.

My Interior Stylist transformed our boring never finished space into a visually appealing and functional one that works us and our lifestyle. It involved careful consideration of various (and lots of my ideas?) elements to create a space that we loved, was delicious to come home to and ticked all the boxes for our needs. Yes I did just say delicious.

Here’s a breakdown of what was included in all the elements of the design process:

1. Furniture Selection: Choosing the right furniture pieces that I both liked the look of and were  functional for us. It involves considering factors like size, style, comfort, and durability. I mean I cannot tell you how much stuff we have bought and returned that does not fit or worked – one of the reasons I was looking for someone.

2. Color Palette: Selecting a beautiful thoughtful color palette that dramatically impacted the mood and feel of our space. I just had white and a bit of grey?

3. Lighting: Proper lighting in the right area for the right mood. Who knew there is warm cool and mood lighting, I thought there was down lights and lamps…ummm

4. Flooring: The choice of flooring was not optional but the rugs chosen really impacted our space. The fact we had dogs was a big consider factor and I was very happy we could still use rugs throughout the house.

5. Window Treatments: Mel has a “blind/curtain/shutter lady” (of course she does) as we needed privacy and once again just took care of it all by narrowing down the choice to 3 options and organising it all to installation.

6. Textiles: Textiles, who knew there were so many. I thought textiles were cushions? rugs, pillows, throws, curtains the list goes on and on. But I have learnt thy add warmth, texture, and color to a space but more importantly the coziness I so desperately wanted. I now know why that $10 Kmart cushion is never going to cut it (sorry not sorry)

7. Accessories: Accessories, not nik nakcs as I have always called them – sorry Mel, such as artwork, plants, vases, and books, have added personality and interest to our space. They have also helped complete the overall look and feel of our home making it personal. We have lots of accessories that are family items scattered throughout the house.

8. Layering: No not my bangs. Layering apparently now I am learning – involves combining different textures, patterns, and colors to create a visually interesting and dynamic space. It can also help to add depth and dimension to a room. Look at me look at me who even Am I? ha

9. Decluttering: Decluttering was the bit we had to do in the beginning – yes we had to no choice or what is the point of having a noice space with Sh%$ everywhere.

10. Personalisation: This is where My Interior Stylist Mel really comes into her own – her ability to make it personal, reflect our personal style and preferences. As she likes to say “there is no 1 style you have to follow, a style is what you like, make your own style”It’s important to incorporate elements that are meaningful to you and make the space feel like your own. Note – stop doing coastal scandi hamptons because everyone on instagram is, so boring so over it, I am so happy ur home reflects us and not a unrealistic instagram photo.

Here are some reasons why you might need to borrow My Interior Stylist Melanie Grace

  • Professional Expertise With A Big Smile: As an Interior stylists she has a keen eye for design and can help you create a a really appealing space. She understand color and will push you out of your comfort zone to use it, textures, and layout  to ensure your home looks its best.
  • Time-Saving: Hiring my interior stylist will save you time and effort which we all know means money. She handles tasks like sourcing furniture, accessories, and coordinating tradespeople, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your life.
  • Fresh Perspective: My interior stylist offers a fresh perspective and ideas that you may not have considered. She can help you break out of your comfort zone and create a unique and stylish space.
  • Increased Property Value: If you’re selling your home, my interior stylist can help you stage it to appeal to potential buyers. A well-staged home can sell faster and for a higher price.
  • Enhanced Lifestyle: A beautifully designed home can improve your quality of life. A stylish and comfortable space can reduce stress and create a more enjoyable living environment. No more spending your weekends renovating – leave that to Mel,

In essence, my interior stylist Melanie Grace can help you create a space that is both functional and “delicious, tailored to your personal style and lifestyle. And I would use her again in a heartbeat.

Call her today before someone else books her out here

“Kylie” Brisbane Qld

fresh kitchen interior design
unique mirror frame
outdoor patio styling
side table with feature lamp

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